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    Why Is Industrial Hose Grounding Important?

    What is industrial hose grounding, and why is it so important? Our guide explains the dangers of static electricity in industrial settings and more.

    by Scot Ranney • May 03, 2023

    Grounding an industrial hose is a safety requirement for many industrial workplaces, but why is it so important? Below, we explain the dangers of static electricity and the strategies for preventing electrostatic buildup in an industrial setting.

    The Danger of Static Electricity

    The primary reason for grounding industrial hoses is the fear of static electricity. Everyone has had some experience with static electricity in their lives and at least vaguely understands how it works. Friction creates an electrostatic charge from an imbalance of electrons that releases with a connection to a conductive material, such as a metal doorknob.

    To most of us, static electricity is just a harmless albeit annoying surprise when it happens. However, it’s a significant safety hazard in an industrial setting with hydraulic hoses. Hydraulic hoses may vibrate or move during operation, creating friction and a static buildup. If that static doesn’t safely disperse, it can become a significant electrical shock hazard or even ignite a flammable gas or liquid.

    Accumulator and Non-Accumulator Fluids

    Accumulator and non-accumulator fluids are important regarding static electricity and industrial hoses. Many people may not realize fluid can retain an electrostatic charge as it flows through hoses or pipelines. Chemicals and liquids are either accumulator or non-accumulator liquids. Knowing which category fluids fall into helps you understand their risk.

    An accumulator liquid is a fluid with low electrical conductivity, the cutoff generally being below 50 picosiemens per meter. Gasoline is a common accumulator liquid many industrial workplaces may transfer in hoses and pipelines. A non-accumulator liquid has a higher conductivity, allowing the charges to recombine faster and preventing static charge buildups.

    Strategies for Removing Static Electricity

    Clearly, static electricity can be a significant danger for industrial workplaces transporting accumulator liquids like gasoline. But how do you remove this danger? As you can guess, this is where industrial hose grounding becomes so important.

    There are other methods of preventing electrostatic buildup in hoses, such as using a hose made of a material that prevents static charge accumulation. You can find these at many hydraulic line shops. But the most common strategy is to ground the hydraulic hose with a ground wire conductor. Some industrial hoses even come with pre-installed conductors to make safe grounding easier.


    We hope our brief guide has been informative on static electricity and industrial hoses. If you have any other questions about hydraulic hoses or need some for your industrial workplace, contact the experts at The Hose Shop.

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